Pennsylvania Lift Laws and Vehicle Equipment Laws

Pennsylvania law restricts the frame height and bumper height of vehicles driven in the state. As long as those rules are followed, vehicles can be equipped with suspension lift kits, aftermarket wheels and tires, performance shocks, aftermarket bumpers, and grille guards.


Pennsylvania details its street legal laws in the Pennsylvania Code (PC) and the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code (PVC).

PC Title 67
PVC Title 75


In Pennsylvania, the maximum vehicle width is 96 inches, the maximum vehicle height is 13 feet 6 inches, and the maximum overall single vehicle length is 40 feet.

PVC 4921
PVC 4922
PVC 4923


All tires on vehicles driven in Pennsylvania must be safe. There is a minimum tire tread depth of 2/32 inches. Tire grooving is not allowed below the original tire tread depth.

PC 67-175-65
PC 67-175-80


To comply with Pennsylvania's street legal laws, vehicles must be equipped with wheels that are compatible with the tires that are mounted on them.

PC 67-175-65


Vehicles driven in Pennsylvania are required to have functional brakes on all 4 wheels. Vehicles under 10,000 lbs. GVWR must be able to stop from a speed of 20 mph within 25 feet. A secondary, mechanical, parking brake is required.

PC 67-175-64


Pennsylvania does not have any steering related laws.


Front lift blocks are illegal in Pennsylvania. Rear lift blocks must not exceed 5 inches over original equipment.

PC 67-175-80


If the vehicle's bumper height, relative to the vehicle's frame height, is altered from the original factory dimensions, the frame height is limited to the maximum bumper height. Pennsylvania also requires that a vehicle's body and frame be in good condition.

PC 67-175-77
PC 67-175-78


Pennsylvania law restricts a vehicle's maximum bumper height according to the vehicle's GVWR.