90+ Course Evaluation Survey Questions to Ask + Free Template

Course evaluation surveys are an effective way to improve the quality of your course. The right course evaluation survey questions will help you deliver courses that are engaging and interactive.
In this article, we’ve put together a list of the best course survey questions to ask in 2024.
Here are 5 types of course evaluation questions we’ll cover in this article:
- Instructor-specific questions
- Course-specific questions
- Student-specific questions
- Overall evaluation questions
- Open-ended questions
But, before that…
If you’re in search of a free course evaluation survey template for evaluating courses, consider utilizing the one below provided by SurveySparrow. To access and share this template, sign up using your email. This resource is designed to help you gather essential feedback from those attending your course.
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For everyone else here to check out the questions, here’s everything you need.
The Best Course Evaluation Survey Questions to Ask Your Students
Here are the best course evaluation survey questions you can include in your course questionnaire:
#1. Instructor-specific questions: Methods and Strategies
Here’s the list of the best instructor-specific questions:
- The instructor was well-prepared for class
- My instructor presented the skills to be learned
- The instructor was responsive when students needed assistance or had questions
- My instructor presented the concepts clearly
- The instructor used teaching methods that made me learn effectively
- My instructor used class time effectively
- The instructor encouraged student participation in class
- My instructor communicated clearly and was easy to understand
- The instructor’s teaching methods were effective
- The instructor effectively organized learning activities
- Individual class meetings were well-prepared
- The instructor effectively illustrated course concepts
- The instructor guided understanding of course exercises
- My instructor stimulated my interest in the subject topic
- The instructor provided feedback promptly
- The instructor provided helpful feedback
- I could get help from the instructor when I needed it
- The instructor was available to students
- I feel comfortable speaking with the instructor
- The instructor cared about the student’s progress
- My instructor encouraged questions from students

#2. Instructor-specific questions: Clarity and Engagement
- The instructor engaged the class in productive and meaningful discussions
- My instructor was available outside the scheduled class time for additional help
- The instructor created a productive learning environment
- My instructor helped me define the scope and objectives of the project
- The instructor treated students with dignity and respect
- My instructor provided the resources I needed to successfully complete the course
- The instructor was helpful when I had a hard time performing certain tasks
- My instructor was helpful to me individually (via one-on-one meetings and email exchanges)
- The instructor provided opportunities for class participation
- My instructor returned assignments and exams promptly
- The instructor was readily available whenever I needed assistance
- The online course platform was accessible and accurate
- I got the feedback on assignments and grades promptly
- The course’s grading policies were followed consistently
- I received actionable feedback that I could put into practice
- I received constructive feedback on my assignments
- The instructor’s feedback helped me better understand the course material
- I received feedback in a timely manner
- The course’s grading system was clear to me
- I received useful feedback from the instructor
- Student progress and learning were fairly assessed
- The course environment allowed me to express my ideas and opinions freely
- The standards of performance for the course were communicated
#3. Course-specific questions
Here’s the list of the best course-specific questions:
- The learning outcomes were clearly stated in the course syllabus
- The course presented topics (or covered the skills) in a clear manner
- I believe the topics covered in this course are important
- Learning expectations were clearly stated in the course
- The course was organized in a way that helped me understand better
- This course provided a good balance of theory and practice
- The course followed the syllabus
- The course lecture and assignments complemented each other
- This course offered clear instructions and explanations
- The course provided learning materials that improve my understanding and increased knowledge
- Course assignments were helpful to a better understanding of the subject
- The course assignments were reflective of the course content and syllabus
- Course assignments accurately assessed what I’ve learned so far
- The resources and readings were valuable and appropriate to the goal of this course
- The exams accurately measured the knowledge I gained from this course
- The course requirements and workload were appropriate for the course level

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#4. Student-specific questions
Here’s the list of the best student-specific questions:
- The course challenged me to think deeply about the subject matter
- This course helped me improve my ability to interact with diverse groups of people
- The course motivated me to take full responsibility for my learning
- I attend classes regularly
- The course helped me how to become a competent professional
- This course encouraged me to ask my questions and seek answers
- The course improved my communication and presentation skills
- I was well prepared for this course
- The course helped me improve my critical thinking skills
- The course helped me improve my writing skills
- I’ve put a great deal of effort into advancing my knowledge and understanding
- The course helped me put theory into practice
- The course improved my problem-solving skills
- This course helped increase my interest in the subject matter
- The course gave me the confidence to explore more advanced topics
- This course helped me (specific course learning outcomes)
- This course improved my
#5. Overall evaluation questions
Here’s the list of the general evaluation questions:
- I would highly recommend this course to other students
- I would highly recommend this instructor to other students
- This course was a useful step in getting my degree
- This course had a high educational value and impact
- Overall, this instructor met my expectations
- This course was challenging
- This course made me think deeply about the subject matter
#6. Qualitative, open-ended questions
Here’s the list of the best open-ended questions:
- Why did you pick this course?
- Which reading materials were the most useful (and the least useful) to you?
- Please identify the key areas to improve
- Do you have any other recommendations for improving the course?
- What parts of the course aided your learning the most?
- What parts of the course were obstacles to your learning?
- Are you as interested in the course as you were at the beginning?
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Final thoughts
Post-training evaluation surveys help you gain insights into your course’s quality and your students’ overall experience. When done right, they will help you improve your course. Also, include course evaluation survey questions to help you improve specific parts of your course. We hope this article will help you create an effective course evaluation questionnaire.
Are you looking to create and conduct course evaluation surveys on your own? SurveySparrow provides everything you need to create and conduct conversational course evaluation surveys!
Conversational surveys typically tend to boost survey responses and create pleasant experiences.
Most of your students will complete your survey as they would be pleased to take surveys that are conversational.
These online course evaluation surveys differ from the long, boring forms they’ve seen on the internet.
SurveySparrow provides a simple drag-and-drop interface and a free course evaluation survey template.
If you want to boost your survey responses and create pleasant experiences, take the conversational way and try SurveySparrow today!
Do you have any questions about designing course evaluation questionnaires? Do you have any interesting tips or hacks for creating effective course evaluation surveys? Let us know in the comment section below.
If you’re wondering whether SurveySparrow is the right fit for you and would rather have someone walk you through our platform, reach out to us for a free, personalized demo!

Pragadeesh Natarajan
I'm a developer turned marketer, working as a Product Marketer at SurveySparrow — A survey tool that lets anyone create beautiful, conversational surveys people love to answer.