Exceptions 1-100
By-laws contained in this section have been prepared for research and reference purposes only. Original by-laws are available for consultation at the City of Ottawa Archives and the Ottawa Public Library Main branch. For legal purposes, certified copies of by-laws may be obtained from the City of Ottawa Archives.
City Archives
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Exceptions 1-20
- solid waste disposal facility
- leaf and yard waste disposal facility
- waste processing and transfer facility
- minimum of 25% of lot area to be landscaped area
- minimum rear yard setback of 1.8 m
- minimum corner side yard setback of 4 m-minimum interior side yard setback of 1.2 m
- minimum of 22% of lot area to be landscaped area
- minimum front yard setback of 4.5 m
- minimum rear yard setback of 5 m
- minimum north interior side yard of 4.5 m
- Section 125 (d) does not apply
- maximum of 30 parking spaces permitted
- minimum of 28% of lot area to be landscaped area
- minimum front yard setback of 4.5 m
- minimum interior side yard setback of 5.5 m
- minimum front yard setback of 4.6 m
- maximum projection of addition into front yard of 7.9 m
- maximum permitted lot coverage of 75%
- minimum yard setback from lot line abutting Madison Avenue: 3.0m
- apartment building, mid-high rise
- restaurant
- retail food store
- retail store
- place of assembly
- the following applies for an office use:
- a minimum of 300 m 2 of the lot area must beprovided for parking within the zone
- 7 parking spaces are required within 250 m of this zone
- automobile service station
- gas bar
- apartment building, mid-high rise
- restaurant
- retail food store
- retail store
- place of assembly
- Section 3 does not apply
- automobile service station permitted in Area A of Schedule 124
- yard setbacks as per Schedule 124
- 4 parking spaces must be provided for the automobile service station and may occupy any area on the lot other than Area B of Schedule 124
- parking spaces for dwelling units must be located in Area B of Schedule 124, and shall have access from Scott Street
- apartment building, low rise; apartment dwelling, mid rise; apartment dwelling, high rise; office and medical facility not permitted until the ‘h’ symbol has been removed
- the “h” symbol will not be removed until it has been demonstrated to Council that adequate sanitary sewer and transportation capacity exists to accommodate development of the permitted uses in this zone
- maximum permitted building heights: 11 m, for that area of a lot located within 30m of a residential zone; 30 m in all other cases
- bank
- restaurant, full service
- retail food store
- retail store
- full floor space index may be used for commercial uses
- office uses limited to 40% of the minimum gross floor area of a building or 1,756 m 2 , whichever is the lesser
- parking for the lot may be located on the northwest corner of Hinton Avenue North and Armstrong Street, and on the southwest corner of Hamilton Street North and Armstrong Street
- existing yards are deemed to be in conformity provided they were lawfully established prior to March 4, 1998;
- retail store permitted provided the cumulative gross floor area occupied by this use does not exceed 10% of the permitted gross floor area of the lot
- minimum required lot area is 900 m 2
- the cumulative total gross floor area for the lands to which this exception and the AM5[134] H(28) Zone are applied must not exceed 130,064 square metres, to be pro-rated on an individual zone basis
Exceptions 21-40
- maximum building height as shown on Schedule 114
- Section 109 does not apply along the easterly lot line abutting the hydro right-of-way
- Sections185(2)(a). (c), (d), (e) and (h) do not apply and the lot area, yards and landscaping requirements are as shown on Schedule 114
- 2 parking spaces per 100 m 2 of gross floor area are required if 25% or less of a building is occupied by a medical facility
- 4 parking spaces per 100 m 2 of gross floor area are required if more than 25% of a building is occupied by a medical facility
- retail store permitted only at grade
- commercial uses limited to 1.0 floor space index
- commercial uses to be located in Area Y on Schedule 99
- parking lot and day care use to be located in Area Z on Schedule 99
- maximum building height in accordance with Schedule 100
- minimum 6 m yard setback required
- required landscaped area may be located on a podium in Area Z on Schedule 99
- parking prohibited in required yards adjacent to Holland Ave
- existing yards are deemed to be in conformity provided they were lawfully established prior to March 4, 1998
- maximum building height, permitted projections and required yard setbacks in accordance with Schedule 119
- maximum FSI (2.5)
- yards abutting Hickory Street to be landscaped
- all parking to be located below grade
- maximum building height, permitted projections and required yard setbacks as per Schedule 129
- at least 50% of required parking spaces must be located below grade or in a structure
- 1 outdoor commercial patio permitted at 809 Richmond Road in accordance with plans approved by the City of Ottawa pursuant to site plan control
In Area A on Schedule 98, only the following uses are permitted:
- any permitted residential uses
- museum
- office
- recreational and athletic facility
In Area C on Schedule 98, only the following uses are permitted:
- any permitted residential uses except townhouse dwelling
- museum
- office
- place of assembly
- recreational and athletic facility
- restaurant
- no buildings permitted in Area B on Schedule 98
- retirement home limited to a maximum of 35 residents
all uses except for:
- minimum setback for all yards: 7.6 m
- the full floor space index may be used for all permitted uses
all commercial uses except for
- gross floor area limited to a maximum of 1 240 m 2
all commercial uses except for
- gross floor area limited to a maximum of 900 m 2
all uses except for:
- all residential uses
- day care
- instructional facility
- museum
- office
- park
- recreational and athletic facility
- research and development centre
- restaurant, full service
- technology industry
- restaurant use permitted if half of the basement area is used for storage for the restaurant located at 22 O’Meara Street
- residential uses limited to 50% of the gross floor area
- a parking lot and loading area on Lots 12 and 13, Armstrong Street, Registered Plan Number 89
- cumulative total gross floor area of commercial uses limited to 2 000 m 2
- maximum building height: 24.5 m on Lots 5 and 6, Wellington Street; 10.7 m on Lot 12, west of Hilda Street and Lot 13, south of Armstrong Avenue
all uses except:
- automobile dealership
- medical facility
- hotel
- office
- recreational and athletic facility
- restaurant
- all uses except for an office or retail store limited to wholesale and distribution of handicap products and equipment
- accessory display and sales area or storage area must be located at grade
- accessory display and sales area limited to 15% of the gross floor area
- storage area limited to 50% of the gross floor area
- in all other cases, full floor space index may be used
- minimum yard setbacks required as follows:
- a front yard setback of 2.6 m along Cambridge Avenue
- a side yard setback of 3 m along the north property line
- a side yard setback of 4.9 m along the south property line
- a rear yard setback of 3.6 m along the laneway
- 2 parking spaces per 100 m 2 of gross floor area must be provided
- vehicle access from the existing lane is permitted
- gross floor area of office use limited to 490 m 2
- minimum yard setbacks required as follows:
- 3 m along Cambridge Avenue
- 3 m along the north side yard
- 1.8 m along the south side yard
- 3.6 m along Arthur Lane
all commercial uses except for:
- bank
- medical facility
- office
- personal service business limited to a beauty parlour
- restaurant limited to a cafeteria
- retail store limited to a pharmacy
- commercial uses limited to the first and second floor above grade
- parking garage must not exceed a height of 4.6 m
all uses except for:
- dwelling units
- apartment building, low rise
- office
- recreational and athletic facility
- all non-residential uses except artist studio and office
- bed and breakfast limited to 3 guest bedrooms
- all commercial uses except for artist studio, medical facility or office
- commercial uses permitted only in the existing building
- medical facility limited to 125 m 2 of gross floor area
Exceptions 41-60
- an addition to link the two existing buildings is permitted if the addition is limited to a gross floor area of 1,040 m 2 and is located in the rear yard or any interior yard abutting an existing rear yard
- 1.2 m minimum easterly side yard setback required
- minimum westerly side yard setback required to be 30 cm greater then the corresponding westerly side yard of the existing building
- minimum of 16 parking spaces required
- maximum building height in accordance with Schedule 101
- all commercial uses except for diplomatic mission and office
- 5 parking spaces to be provided in accordance with Schedule 106
- office use to be located on the ground or first floor only
- office use limited to 540 m 2 of gross floor area
- gross floor area of commercial uses limited to2 710 m 2
- maximum of 930 m 2 of gross floor area for group home
- each commercial use limited to 372 m 2 of gross floor area except for medical facility or office
- minimum side yard setback of 3 m required for group home or parking lot
- only personal service business, retail store, retail food store or restaurant full service may occupy the ground floor of any building
- a parking garage is only permitted below grade
- despite Table 197(c), the minimum front yard setback is 2 metres, and the maximum front yard setback is 3 metres subject to subsection 197(4)
- all uses except automobile service station
- the total gross leasable floor area for all non-residential uses must not exceed 1280 square metres
- Section 101 does not apply, but a maximum of 50 parking spaces may be provided.
- A restaurant, full-service is limited to a maximum gross leasable floor area of 75 square metres per occupancy.
- A restaurant, fast-food is only permitted as an ancillary use to another permitted non-residential use and must be located within the same occupancy as the principal use.
- An office is limited to a maximum gross leasable floor area of 112 square metres
all commercial uses except:
- bank
- medical facility
- office
- personal brewing facility
- each commercial use limited to 233 m 2
all commercial uses except:
- car wash
- convenience store
- gas bar
all commercial uses except for:
- car wash
- gas bar
- personal brewing facility
- retail food store
- retail store
- full floor space index may be used for commercial uses
- retail store limited to cumulative total of 120 m 2 of gross floor area
- minimum 1.5 m front yard setback required
- minimum 6 m side yard setback required except for a yard abutting Hawthorne Road where 1.5 m side yard setback required
- minimum 6 m rear yard setback required
- all yards to be landscaped exclusive of a driveway or walkway
all non-residential uses except for:
- bank
- convenience store
- personal brewing facility
- personal service business limited to barber shop, beauty salon, dry cleaning distribution or laundromat
- restaurant, take-out
- retail food store limited to bake shop
- retail store limited to book store and pharmacy
- service and repair shop limited to shoe repair
- all uses except a parking lot
- parking lot use to serve the shopping centre use located in the GM24[89]F(1.0) H(25) zone to the south
- all commercial uses except for one restaurant, full service
- an outdoor commercial patio is not permitted
- gross floor area limited to 266 m 2
- minimum setback of 6.5 m required abutting Maryland Avenue
- minimum setback of 10 m required between the restaurant and abutting residential zone
- minimum landscape area of 2 m in depth required within the yard abutting Maryland Avenue
all uses except for:
- dwelling unit
- group home
- personal brewing facility
- personal service business limited to a barber shop, beauty salon
- restaurant, full service
- retail food store
- retail store
all commercial uses except for:
- artist studio
- bank
- catering establishment
- community health and resource centre
- day care
- instructional facility
- medical facility
- office
- personal service business
- service and repair shop
- restaurant
- retail food store
- retail store
- total gross floor area for all uses limited to 600 m 2
- medical facility limited to two occupancies to a maximum gross floor area of 56 m 2 each
- restaurant uses limited to 70 m 2 each
- minimum westerly side yard setback of 4 m required
- the westerly 4 m side yard must be landscaped
- all commercial uses except for office
- uses limited to locations in the existing building
- all commercial uses except for funeral home
- only a covered walkway permitted in Area A on Schedule 105
- minimum yard setbacks required in accordance with Schedule 105
- front yard parking permitted on Woodroffe Avenue and Compton Street
- parking garage
- parking lot
- all commercial uses except for funeral home, parking garage and parking lot
- funeral home permitted provided:
- maximum of 215 m 2 of gross floor area permitted for parlour space use
- maximum of 120 m 2 of gross floor area permitted for a chapel use
- maximum 26 dwelling units permitted
- minimum 3 600 m 2 lot area required for a planned unit development
- minimum yard setbacks and landscaped area required in accordance with Schedule 120
Exceptions 61-80
all commercial uses except:
- office
- parking garage
- parking lot
- two dwelling units must be provided in conjunction with office use
- office on second floor for exclusive use of funeral home in abutting zone
- office use limited to 133 m 2 of gross floor area of which 93 m 2 must be located on the ground floor
- maximum of 325 m 2 for each retail store
all commercial uses except for:
- convenience store
- parking garage
- parking lot
- retail food store
- retail store limited to book or stationery store
- the Floor Space Index is both a minimum and a maximum
all uses except for:
- artists studio
- bank
- bed and breakfast
- community centre
- community health and resource centre
- detached dwelling
- diplomatic mission
- duplex dwelling
- group home
- instructional facility
- medical facility
- museum
- office
- park
- personal brewing facility
- personal service business
- place of assembly
- recreational and athletic facility
- restaurant, full service
- retail store
- school
- semi-detached dwelling
- outdoor commercial patio permitted in accordance with Schedule 127
- basement or cellar area may only be used for maintenance or service equipment
- gross floor area limited to 515 m 2
- minimum lot area of 0.65 hectares for semi-detached or duplex dwelling, or group home
- minimum lot width of 100 m required for a semi-detached or duplex dwelling or group home
- all parking spaces to be located in accordance with Schedule 127
- maximum of 4 parking spaces may be arranged in tandem
- bank
- personal service business
- restaurant, full service
- retail store
- retail food store
- restaurant, full service
- retail store
- retail food store
- retail food store
- retail store limited to alcohol sales
- maximum building height of 11 m for parking structure
- 18.5 m maximum building height on south side of Isabella Street and 14 m maximum height on north side of Pretoria Street
- front yard parking for 1 space permitted if located abutting westerly lot line and not closer than1.5 m from any exterior door located on the ground floor or basement of any building
- this space may be located at the wall of the main building
- parking space to be minimum 2.6 m width and 4.36 m length
- minimum of 28% of front yard to be landscaped, 48% of which to be used for plant material
- minimum northerly side yard setback of 2.1 m and southerly side yard setback of 2. 4 m required for two unit dwelling
- minimum driveway width required of 2.1 m on northerly lot line and 2.7 m on southerly lot line
- 1.4 parking spaces per 100 m 2 of gross floor area for commercial uses
- 25% of required parking spaces to be provided for visitor parking
- Section 197 (g)(ii)(2) does not apply
- despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.
- a gross floor area greater than 10,680 m 2 is permitted for an office use provided:
- a minimum of 24 dwelling units having a minimum gross floor area of 1,850 m 2 occupy that portion of the zone abutting Nepean Street
- a minimum of 85 parking spaces is required for any development other than existing development
- a minimum of 25% of the required parking spaces is provided for visitor parking
- maximum building height of 34 m permitted for an office use
- maximum building height of 40 m permitted for residential use
- despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.
- permitted uses in of Area C on Schedule 116 limited to hotel
- landscape area required in Area A as per Schedule 116
- permitted uses in Areas B and F on Schedule 116 limited to hotel, including an accessory parking garage for a hotel
- minimum front yard setback of 1 m
- minimum side yard setback of 1.2 m
- 35% of the lot area must be landscaped area, of which 20% must be in the form of amenity area
- 10% of the building area must be used as amenity area
- parking must be located in the front yard
- automobile service station
- car wash
- gas bar
- no vehicle access permitted from Morin Street
- lots 603 m 2 in area or greater must be developed as a mixed use, where the gross floor area dedicated to commercial uses must not exceed the gross floor area dedicated to residential uses
- the following uses are limited to locations above the ground floor: place of assembly, instructional facility, recreational and athletic facility
- despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.
- Parking spaces required to meet the minimum parking requirements for development in the TM[79] zone may be located in the R4T[882] S199 zone at 297 Cambridge Street North
- 3 parking spaces must be provided for the commercial uses which must be located in the abutting TM[85]H(15) S107 zone
Exceptions 81-100
- all buildings must have mix of residential and commercial uses
- no commercial uses permitted in Area B on Schedule 110
- minimum yard setbacks and horizontal separation distances between walls must be provided in accordance with Schedule 111
- minimum of 8 m 2 of landscape area required for each dwelling unit
- minimum of 6 m 2 of private amenity area required for each dwelling unit
- landscaped area may be provided on a rooftop
- total of 144 parking spaces required
- maximum building heights to be provided in accordance with Schedule 111
- automobile dealership
- automobile rental establishment
- gas bar
- automobile service station
- automobile service station and gas bar permitted only on a corner property
- the provisions of Section 197(4)(d) do not apply to the lands at 93 Richmond Road
- minimum commercial gross floor area of 250 square metres must be provided within the hatched area on Schedule 109
- residential uses may utilize the remainder of the permitted floor space index and may be located on the ground floor
- minimum front yard setback required:
- for residential use buildings: 3 m
- all other cases: no minimum
- minimum corner side yard setback required:
- for residential use-only buildings: 1.3 m
- all other cases: no minimum
- minimum required interior side yard setback abutting the side lot line of an abutting residential lot:
- 1.2 m for the first 15 m from a lot line abutting a street,
- 4.5 m for remainder
- minimum required rear yard setback : no minimum
- no minimum width of a landscaped area applicable
- minimum of 30% of the lot area must be landscaped area
- Section 109(1) does not apply
- the lawful severance of a lot, pursuant to the Planning Act, or the registration of more than one declaration and description pursuant to the Condominium Act, upon which is erected any building or buildings is deemed to conform to the provisions of the City’s Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, and the buildings are deemed to be erected on one lot for the purposes of construing and administering this bylaw
- restaurant, fast food
- restaurant, take-out
- minimum of 4 dwelling units required
- minimum 12.5 m 2 of private amenity space must be provided for each dwelling unit
- commercial uses must be located on the ground floor
- maximum cumulative total of 284 m 2 gross floor area for commercial uses
- minimum yard setbacks to be provided in accordance with Area B on Schedule 107
- 1 parking space required for each dwelling unit
- minimum of 5 parking spaces required for the commercial uses
- all required parking for uses in the abutting TM[80] zone to be located in this zone
- minimum 3.6 m aisle width required for a parking space with an angle of 0 to 55 degrees
- lots 603 m 2 in area or greater must be developed as a mixed use, where the gross floor area dedicated to commercial uses must not exceed the gross floor area dedicated to residential uses
- the following uses are limited to locations above the ground floor: place of assembly, instructional facility, recreational and athletic facility
- despite Section 54, restaurant, full-service means a restaurant that sells, serves and prepares on-site food and beverages to patrons seated at tables, for consumption on the premises.
- McLeod Street to be considered the front lot line
- minimum 25% landscape area required
- parking may be located in any yard
- for a car wash, 8 queue spaces in a single waiting line and 1 space for storage at the exit to be provided
- defined waiting line and storage space are not required
- accessory parking lot and enclosed garbage enclosure only are permitted within 9.3 m of the southerly boundary of the zone
- minimum 6 m wide landscape area must be provided along the southerly property line
- minimum 3 m wide landscape area must be provided on the easterly property line
- amenity area must be provided for each dwelling unit at the rate of 18.5 m 2 per dwelling unit one half of which must be provided as uncovered outdoor amenity area
- required parking may be located in the adjacent AM[52]F(1.0) zone
- the maximum gross leasable retail area is 77,000 m 2
- the permitted gross leasable retail area means the total area obtained by adding together the area designed for retail tenant occupancy and exclusive use, contained within the exterior of the outside walls of the building at each floor or level less any area used for storage purposes or parking
- parking is to be calculated only on the basis of the gross leasable retail area
- amusement centre, cinema, nightclub, recreational and athletic facility, place of assembly and theatre are excluded from the calculation of gross leasable area
- maximum floor space index of 0.72 applies until such time as the holding provisions are removed
- the “h” symbol will not be removed until the owner has submitted a traffic study to City Council that demonstrates that the road capacity exists to the extent necessary to accommodate the development of an additional 0.28 of floor space index
- maximum 0.28 additional floor space index permitted in Area C on Schedule 125 once holding provisions removed
- additional floor space index must be for office use only to a maximum 32,475 m 2 gross leasable area
- all non-residential uses must be located in the same building
- maximum 70,000 m 2 of gross leasable retail area permitted
- the permitted gross leasable retail area means the total retail area obtained by adding together the area designed for tenant occupancy and exclusive use, contained within the exterior of the outside walls of the building at each floor or level less any area used for storage purposes or parking
- gross leasable retail area is to be used in the calculation of the required parking
- floor area used for a community centre or day care not to be included in the calculation of gross floor area
- maximum of 9,000 m 2 of floor area below grade if used for storage not to be included in the calculation of gross floor area
- the zone is to be considered as one lot for by-law purposes
- minimum yards must be provided in accordance with Schedule 125
- minimum 12% landscape area must be provided in accordance with Schedule 125
- maximum 550 m 2 gross floor area permitted for medical facility
- maximum cumulative total of 915 m 2 gross floor area permitted for restaurant uses
- maximum cumulative total of 1,100 m 2 gross floor area permitted for a retail food store, retail store use
- maximum 3,660 m 2 of gross floor area permitted for all non-residential uses
- 79 parking spaces are required for the non-residential uses
- despite Section 197(1)(c) internal ground flooruses without direct access to Bank Street are permitted
- full floor space index may be used in Area A on Schedule 131
- minimum yard setbacks required in accordance with Schedule 131
- no restrictions on projections into required yards
- no parking or loading permitted in Area A on Schedule 131
- no loading permitted in Area B on Schedule 131
- no visitor parking required for Area C on Schedule 131
- parking garage
- parking lot
- apartment building, mid-high rise
- all commercial uses except diplomatic mission and office
- all commercial uses except diplomatic mission and office
all commercial uses except:
- day care
- medical facility
- office
- personal service business
- retail store limited to clothing store, pharmacy, gift shop, shoe store or tobacco shop
- each store must have direct access to Bank Street and only onto Bank Street
- no yard setback required along Monk Street
- minimum interior side yard abutting a residential zone: 1.18m,
- minimum corner side yard: 0.5m,
- subclause 197(3)(i)(i) does not apply,
- minimum required width of a landscaped buffer in a parking lot where the landscaped buffer abuts a street: 1.8m,
- notwithstanding clause 198(2)(b) the maximum permitted gross leasable area of a retail store is 1150m 2 ,
- despite Section 101 the minimum number of parking spaces for all retail and office use is 12,
- subsections 111(5) through 111(13) do not apply,
- a landscaped area with a minimum width of 0.6 metres must be provided along the rear lot line abutting a residential zone for a minimum distance of 8.1 metres as measured from the interior side lot line,
- only parking and/or open space is permitted within 20.3 metres of the rear lot line
- notwithstanding the previous provision:
- an opaque fence with a minimum height of 1.5 metres must be provided along the rear lot line abutting a residential zone for a minimum distance of 26.9 metres measured from the interior side lot line,
- an opaque fence with a minimum height of 2.4 metres must be provided along the interior side lot line abutting a residential zone.
- a building housing commercial uses only must not exceed a height of 7.5 m
- in all other cases no building must exceed 10.7 m
- a landscaped area of 2 m must be provided between a building housing commercial uses or mixed uses and an abutting residential zone
- the landscaped area must be used for soft landscaping
- office use permitted on the ground floor provided it is:
- located in the interior of the ground floor of the building
- retail uses are provided on the Rideau Street and King Edward Avenue frontages
- no maximum front yard setback applies
- Sections 198(6)(d) and (f) do not apply
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