Records of the United States Coast Guard [USCG]

Established: In the Treasury Department by act of January 28, 1915 (38 Stat. 800), merging the Revenue Cutter Service and the Life Saving Service.

Predecessor Agencies:

In the Department of the Treasury:

In the Department of Commerce and Labor:

In the Department of Commerce:

Transfers: To the Department of Transportation, effective April 1, 1967, by Department of Transportation Act (80 Stat. 931), October 15, 1966.

Functions: Conducts search and rescue operations in and over the high seas and navigable waters of the United States. Provides medical aid to U.S. ocean fishermen. Enforces maritime and other laws pertaining to protection of life and property at sea, suppression of smuggling and illicit drug trafficking, and protection of the marine environment. Formulates and enforces safety standards for U.S. commercial vessels and offshore structures. Enforces safety standards on foreign vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction. Evaluates and licenses U.S. merchant marine personnel. Enforces regulations governing the safety and security of ports and the anchorage and movement of vessels in U.S. waters. Establishes and maintains aids to navigation. Regulates the construction, maintenance, and operation of bridges across the navigable waters of the United States. Operates ice-breaking ships and the International Ice Patrol. Develops and directs a national boating safety program. Operates as a wartime service in the Department of the Navy.

Finding Aids: Forrest R. Holdcamper, comp., "Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Coast Guard," NC 31 (1963); supplement in National Archives microfiche edition of preliminary inventories.

Security-Classified Records: This record group may include material that is security-classified.

Related Records:
Record copies of publications of the U.S. Coast Guard in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.
Records of the U.S. Customs Service, RG 36.
General Records of the Department of Commerce, RG 40.
Records of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, RG 41.
General Records of the Department of the Treasury, RG 56.

1785-1951 (bulk 1785-1942)

History: During the pre-federal period, lighthouses were owned and operated by the individual colonies and successor states. An act of August 7, 1789 (1 Stat. 53), effective August 15, 1789, enabled the states to transfer their lighthouses and lighthouse sites to the Federal Government, and vested the oversight of federal lighthouses and lighthouse sites in the Secretary of the Treasury. Responsibility for the Lighthouse Service (the name given to federal lighthouse operations and lighthouse site maintenance) was delegated by the Secretary of the Treasury to the Commissioner of Revenue, 1792. Oversight transferred, October 9, 1852, to the Lighthouse Board, established in the Department of the Treasury by an act of August 31, 1852 (10 Stat. 119). Lighthouse Board transferred to Department of Commerce and Labor by the Department of Commerce Act (32 Stat. 825), February 14, 1903. Reorganized and redesignated the Bureau of Lighthouses by an act of July 27, 1910 (36 Stat. 537). Bureau of Lighthouses assigned to Department of Commerce when it was separated from the Department of Labor by the Department of Commerce Act (37 Stat. 736), March 4, 1913. Abolished by Reorganization Plan No. II of 1939, effective July 1, 1939, with functions transferred to USCG, established 1915. SEE 26.1.

Note: Records described below dated after 1939 are those of the USCG.

26.2.1 General records

Textual Records: Correspondence of the Secretary of the Treasury, Commissioner of Revenue, and Fifth Auditor of the Treasury, relating to lighthouses, 1785-1852. Letters sent, 1792-1852, and received, 1833-1900, by the Lighthouse Service. General correspondence of the Lighthouse Board, 1852-1910, and the Bureau of Lighthouses, 1911-39. Letters sent to district engineers and inspectors, 1852-1939. Minutes and journals of the Lighthouse Board, with gaps, 1851-1910. Annual reports, 1820-53. Reports submitted by committees, 1875-1900. Printed bulletins and circulars, 1878, 1903-4, 1911-39. Newspaper clippings, 1900-32. Legal case files on the acquisition and disposition of sites, 1867-1907. Title papers to vessels owned by the Lighthouse Board, 1853-95.

Microfilm Publications: M63.

Photographs and Artworks (3,718 images): Lighthouses, light stations, and lanterns, 1855-1933 (LG, LGA). SEE ALSO 26.12.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Bureau of Lighthouses in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

26.2.2 Records relating to operations

Textual Records: Lighthouse site files, 1790-1939. Descriptions of light stations, 1858-89, and lighthouses, 1900. Descriptions of light sites, 4th District (in Philadelphia) and 11th District (in Chicago), 1900. Inspection, physical condition, and repair reports, 1871-1907. Logbooks of lighthouses, light stations, tenders, and light vessels, 1872-1944 (543 ft.). Journals of shipwrecks, Alligator Reef, FL, 1874-1911 (in Atlanta); Alpena, MI, 1879-1902 (in Chicago); Burnt Coat Harbor, ME, 1872-1924 (in Boston); Cape Ann, MA, 1902-12 (in Boston); Currituck Beach, NC, 1876-1915 (in Atlanta); Cuttyhunk, MA, 1882 (in Boston); Fair Haven, MI, 1872-1902 (in Chicago); Hudson City, NY, 1905 (in New York); Kalamazoo River, MI, 1872-79 (in Chicago); Libby Island, ME, 1906-9 (in Boston); Little River Island, ME, 1870-1907 (in Boston); Negro Island, ME, 1880-93 (in Boston); North Point, WI, 1874-75 (in Chicago); Port du Mort, WI, 1863-1938 (in Chicago); Pottawatomie, MI, 1882-1911 (in Chicago); Presque Isle, MI, 1879- 1904 (in Chicago); Rock Island, IL, 1873-1900 (in Chicago); Rock of Ages, MI, 1909-33 (in Chicago); Santa Cruz, CA, 1878-92 (in San Francisco); Stamford Harbor, CT, 1882-1908 (in Boston); Stepping Stone, NY, 1896-1909 (in New York); Thatchers Island, ME, 1856-99 (in Boston); Two Harbors, MN, 1913-14 (in Chicago); Two Rivers, WI, 1886-96 (in Chicago); and Tybee Island, GA, 1873- 94 (in Atlanta). Lighthouse Service publications, 1838-1942, including record sets of Light Lists, 1838-1940, and Notices to Mariners, 1852-1941.

Maps and Charts (217 items): United States, showing lighthouse district boundaries, 1912 (1 item). Mississippi River lights locations and apparatus, 1876-1910 (150 items). Lighthouse Board lithographs of historical surveys of St. Lawrence River, 1891 (60 items). Taunton, MA, showing lights, 1921 (3 items). Airway routes, Midwest and California, 1927-29 (3 items). SEE ALSO 26.9.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (4,800 items): Bound drawings of illuminating apparatus, 1839-81 (800 items). Lighthouse plans and specifications, 1805-1939 (4,000 items). SEE ALSO 26.9.

Photographs and Lithographs (13 images):Lighthouses and certificates for the Columbian and other expositions, 1873-1936 (LH). SEE ALSO 26.12.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, and 26.6.1-26.6.12.

26.2.3 Personnel and payroll records

Textual Records: Correspondence concerning keepers and assistants, 1821-1902. Appointment and salary registers, 1801- 1912. Miscellaneous personnel records, 1832-1951, including proceedings of boards for the induction of bureau employees into the U.S. Coast Guard, 1939-40, and lighthouse service retirement cards, 1907-51.

26.2.4 Accounting records

Textual Records: Deeds and contracts for lighthouses and sites, 1790-1853. Correspondence concerning disbursements, 1914-39. Registers of receipts and disbursements, 1825-1920. Allotment ledgers, 1879-1931.

Microfilm Publications: M94.

26.2.5 Records of lighthouse districts

Textual Records: Correspondence and other records of the 3d Lighthouse District (New York, NY), 1854-1939; 4th Lighthouse District (Philadelphia, PA), 1901-39; 5th Lighthouse District (Baltimore, MD) 1851-1912; 6th Lighthouse District (Charleston, SC), 1916; 7th Lighthouse District (Key West, FL, and Mobile, AL), 1838-1910; 8th Lighthouse District (New Orleans), 1851-1910; 9th Lighthouse District (Chicago, IL), 1886-1905; 10th Lighthouse District (Buffalo, NY), 1893-1938; 12th Lighthouse District (San Francisco, CA), 1855-1913; and 17th Lighthouse District (Portland, OR), 1909-22. Miscellaneous records of the 6th Lighthouse District (Charleston, SC), 1908-16. Records of lighthouses in the Virgin Islands, 1910-17, and Puerto Rico, 1838-99. Newspaper clippings and other records relating to lighthouses, 1910-39.

26.2.6 Records of collectors of customs relating to lighthouses

Textual Records (in Boston): Records of the Customs District, Newport, RI, including general records, 1792-1857; correspondence, 1789-1830; records relating to construction and repair, 1808-42; lighthouse accounts, 1790-1829; and keepers' reports, 1819-61. Records of the Customs District, New London, CT, including correspondence, 1789-1914; accounts of the Superintendent of Lights for Rhode Island, 1843-80; reports on the state of lighthouses, 1816-49; and lighthouse vouchers, disbursements, and estimates of funds, 1791-1880. Records of the Customs District, New Bedford, MA, including correspondence and miscellaneous records, 1820-78.

Finding Aids: Forrest R. Holdcamper, comp. "Preliminary Inventory of the Field Records of the Light-House Service," NC 63 (1964).

1790-1933 (bulk 1790-1915)

History: Revenue cutters authorized by an act of August 4, 1790 (1 Stat. 175), to enforce laws governing the collection of customs and tonnage duties. Supervised by collectors of customs, 1791-1871, except for the period 1843-49, when oversight was vested in Revenue Marine Division of the Treasury Department. A new Revenue Marine Division, established 1871, became the Revenue Cutter Service (RCS) by act of July 31, 1894 (28 Stat. 171). In addition to its customs and tonnage responsibilities, RCS acted to suppress smuggling, piracy, and the slave trade; assisted ships; removed navigation hazards; enforced quarantine regulations, neutrality laws, and laws prohibiting the importation of Chinese coolie labor; and, after 1867, enforced regulations in Alaska concerning the unauthorized killing of fur- bearing animals, fishery protection, and the firearms, ammunition, and liquor traffic. RCS merged with Life Saving Service to form the USCG, 1915. SEE 26.1.

Note: Records described below dated after 1915 are those of the USCG.

26.3.1 General records

Textual Records: Letters sent, 1790-1897, and received, 1836- 1910. Letters received from collectors of customs, 1834-96; and from officers of cutters, 1833-69. Letters to captains and engineers, 1884-1921. Miscellaneous correspondence and reports, 1793-1910.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Revenue Cutter Service in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

26.3.2 Records relating to operations

Textual Records: Logbooks of revenue cutters, 1819-1915. Records relating to Alaska cruises and police work, 1868-1915, including the rescue by the U.S.R.C. Bear of icebound whalers in 1897-98, and the U.S.R.C. Nunivak's ethnological and meteorological studies and collection of botanical and geological data in the Yukon River area in 1899. Private journal of J.C. Cantwell, crew member of the U.S.R.C. Nunivak, 1900-01. Abstracts and lists of wreck reports, 1894-1913. Records of assistance rendered, 1886-95, 1903-14. Correspondence relating to service in the Spanish-American War, 1898; international cup races, 1903; the yellow fever patrol, 1905; and the San Francisco fire, 1906.

Microfilm Publications: M641.

Maps and Charts (2 items): Manuscript charts of Perry Harbor and Kashega Bay, AK, by Revenue Cutter Unalga, n.d. SEE ALSO 26.9.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, and 26.6.1-26.6.12.

26.3.3 Records relating to legal matters

Textual Records: Decisions of the solicitor, 1866-1915. Legal case files, 1871-1910. Records of minor courts, 1906-13.

26.3.4 Personnel and payroll records

Textual Records: Muster rolls, 1833-1932. Examinations of cadets, 1872-1911, and of applicants for the Revenue Marine Service, 1861-92. Applications, 1844-80. Ships' rosters, 1819-1904. Report of changes in personnel, 1865-1911. Register of warrant officers, 1894-1912. Records of the Mutual Aid Association, 1891-1933.

Related Records: Additional cadet records UNDER 26.7.

26.3.5 Accounting records

Textual Records: Construction and repair proposals, 1830-1910. Abstracts of expenditures, 1871-1912. Records of the Division of Construction and Repairs, 1870-1926. Correspondence relating to construction, 1873-1908.

26.3.6 Records of collectors of customs relating to revenue

Textual Records (in Boston): Records of the Customs District, Newport, RI, including general records, 1831-72; correspondence relating to revenue cutters, 1812-30, and the Revenue Marine, 1792-1868; requisitions for the Revenue Cutter Crawford, 1865-69, and for the Revenue Schooner Jackson, 1844-48; records of the Revenue Cutter Samuel Dexter, including quarterly logbook, 1875, engineers' journal, 1877, and requisitions, 1875-85; and vessel passports, 1797-1845. Records of the Customs District, New London, CT, including revenue cutter journals, 1800-9, 1842-66; logbooks of the Revenue Cutters Crawford, 1844-47, James Campbell, 1853-63, and Ewing, 1841-44, 1865-83; vouchers, 1791- 1905; and provision returns, 1790-1900.


History: Established, 1871, in the Revenue Marine Division, Treasury Department. Placed under a general superintendent immediately responsible to the Secretary of the Treasury by an act of June 18, 1878 (20 Stat. 163). Merged with Revenue Cutter Service to form USCG, 1915. SEE 26.1.

Note: Records described below dated after 1915 are those of the USCG.

26.4.1 General records

Textual Records: Letters received, 1847-1914, with registers. Letters relating to disasters, 1888-1907. Letters to the commandant, 1873-1915. Letters sent and received by the superintendent, 1878-1912. Letters sent by the 5th District (in New York), 6th District (in Atlanta), 7th District (in Atlanta), 8th District (in New York), 10th District (in New York), 11th District (in Chicago), California 12th District (in San Francisco), Michigan 12th District (in Chicago), and 13th District (in San Francisco), 1881-1941. Correspondence relating to life-saving medals, 1894-1924. Correspondence and reports of the Board of Life Saving Appliances, 1888-1911.

Related Records: Record copies of publications of the Lifesaving Service in RG 287, Publications of the U.S. Government.

26.4.2 Records relating to operations

Textual Records: Journals, 1881-1914, with indexes. Station wreck reports for lifesaving stations located at Absecon, NJ, 1876-1916 (in New York); Ashtabula, OH, 1894-1904 (in Chicago); Assateague Beach, VA, 1883-1917 (in Philadelphia); Avalon, NJ, n.d. (in New York); Baileys Harbor, WI, 1896-1919 (in Chicago); Barnegat, NJ, 1906-15 (in New York); Bay Head, NJ, 1863-1911 (in New York); Bellport, NY, 1883-1919 (in New York); Big Kinnakeet, NC, 1883- 1918 (in Atlanta); Brazos, TX, 1881-86 (in Fort Worth); Brigantine, NJ, 1892-1915 (in New York); Buffalo, NY, 1883-1918 (in New York); Cape Disappointment, WA, 1902-13 (in Seattle); Cape Hatteras, NC, 1883-84 (in Atlanta); Cape May, NJ, 1886-1932 (in New York); Cedar Creek, NJ, 1886-1932 (in New York); Chadwick, NJ, 1885-1929 (in New York); Charlevoix, MI, 1900-20 (in Chicago); Charlotte, NY, 1890-1918 (in New York); Chicago, IL, 1895-1902 (in Chicago); Cleveland, OH, 1893-1917 (in Chicago); Cold Spring, NY, 1885-1902 (in New York); Coney Island, NY, 1883-94 (in New York); Coskata, ME, 1883-1915 (in Boston); Cranberry Island, ME, 1883-1915 (in Boston); Crisp Point, MI, 1865-1918 (in Chicago); Cross Island, ME, 1883-1915 (in Boston); Crumple Island (Great Wass Island), ME, 1883-1913 (in Boston); Davis Neck, MA, 1883-1900 (in Boston); Duluth, MN, 1895-1915 (in Chicago); Durants, NC, 1910-17 (in Atlanta); Erie, PA, 1893-1916 (in Philadelphia); Evanston, IL, 1883-1918 (in Chicago); Fire Island, NY, 1883-1918 (in New York); Forge River, NY, 1884-1916 (in New York); Forked River, NJ, 1883-1915 (in New York); Fort Lauderdale, FL, 1911-18 (in Atlanta); Gilberts Bar, FL, 1886-1918 (in Atlanta); Grande Point Sable, MI, 1883-1902 (in Chicago); Grays Harbor, WA, 1913-16 (in Seattle); Great Boars Head, NH, 1900-15 (in Boston); Great Egg Harbor, NJ, 1880-1911 (in New York); Harvey Cedars, NJ, 1883-1915 (in New York); Hog Island, VA, 1883-1915 (in Philadelphia); Holland, MI, 1887-1919 (in Chicago); Holly Beach, NJ, 1884-1915 (in New York); Indian River Inlet, DE, 1883-1915 (in Philadelphia); Island Beach, NJ, 1886- 1920 (in New York); Isle of Shoals, NH, 1911-16 (in Boston); Jackson Park, IL, 1893-1920 (in Chicago); Kenosha, WI, 1883-1915 (in Chicago); Knobbs Beach (Merrimac River), MA, 1891-1902 (in Boston); Lake View Beach, MI, 1883-1913 (in Chicago); Lewes, DE, 1884-1904 (in Philadelphia); Little Beach, NJ, 1883-1915 (in New York); Long Branch, NJ, 1883-1915 (in New York); Lorain, OH, 1911-17 (in Chicago); Loveladies (Beach), NJ, 1885-1913 (in New York); Little Kinnakeet, NC, 1885-1921 (in Atlanta); Mantoloking, NJ, 1885-1913 (in New York); Marquette, MI, 1911-21 (in Chicago); Milwaukee, WI, 1893-1920 (in Chicago); Monmouth Beach, NJ, 1884- 1915 (in New York); Muskegon, MI, 1882-1918 (in Chicago); Narragansett, RI, 1905-18 (in Boston); Niagara, NY, 1893-1922 (in New York); North Manitou Island, MI, 1883-1911 (in Chicago); Ocean City, NJ, 1885-1904 (in New York); Oregon Inlet, NC, 1884- 1920 (in Atlanta); Oswego, NY, 1883-1916 (in New York); Parramore (Beach), VA, 1884-1916 (in Philadelphia); Pecks Beach, NJ, 1896- 1916 (in New York); Peterson Point, WA, 1900-13 (in Seattle); Plum Island, MA, 1908-17 (in Boston); Point Alerton, MA, 1890- 1918 (in Boston); Point Bonita, CA, 1902-15 (in San Francisco); Point Judith, RI, 1903-13 (in Boston); Point Lookout, MD, 1883- 1917 (in Philadelphia); Portage, MI, 1905-18 (in Chicago); Racine, WI, 1883-1921 (in Chicago); Rockaway, NY, 1883-1918 (in New York); Rockaway Point, NY, 1883-1917 (in New York); Rye Beach, NH, 1884-1914 (in Boston); Sabine Pass, TX, 1902-18 (in Fort Worth); Salisbury Beach, MA, 1898-1916 (in Boston); Sandy Hook, NJ, 1883-1917 (in New York); Sandy Point, RI, 1899-1916 (in Boston); Seabright, NJ, 1875-1920 (in New York); Sea Isle City, NJ, 1889-1914 (in New York); Sheboygan, WI, 1895-1917 (in Chicago); Ship Bottom, NJ, 1886-1910 (in New York); Ship Canal, WI, 1886-1905 (in Chicago); South Chicago, IL, 1890-1921 (in Chicago); Spermacetti (Cove), NJ, 1885-1925 (in New York); Spring Lake, NJ, 1884-1915 Ewing; Stone Harbor, NJ, 1916-24 (in New York); Straitsmouth, MA, 1900-19 (in Boston); Sturgeon Bay, WI, 1898-1917 (in Chicago); Tathams, NJ, 1884-1912 (in New York); Thunder Bay (Island), MI, 1883-1916 (in Chicago); Turtle Gut, NJ, 1884-1908 (in New York); Two Mile Beach, NJ, 1908-24 (in New York); Two Rivers, WI, 1883-1920 (in Chicago); Vermilion, OH, 1883-1920 (in Chicago); Waadah (Point), WA, 1909-15 (in Seattle); Wachapreague, VA, n.d. (in Philadelphia); Wallis Sands, ME, 1892- 1916 (in Boston); Wallops Beach, VA, 1883-1919 (in Philadelphia); Wash Woods, NC, 1884-1917 (in Atlanta); Whales Head, NC, 1899- 1920 (in Atlanta); and Wood End, MA, 1897-1909 (in Boston).

Logbooks of lifesaving stations located in Boston District (in Boston), Chicago District (in Chicago), Cleveland District (in Chicago), Delaware (in Philadelphia), Florida (in Atlanta), Jacksonville District (in Atlanta), New Orleans District (in Fort Worth), New York District (in New York), Nome, AK (in Anchorage), Norfolk District (in Philadelphia), North Carolina (in Atlanta), San Francisco District (in San Francisco), and Seattle District (in Seattle), 1873-1941. Records of medals awarded, 1876-1944. Scrapbooks, 1874-1937.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (600 items): Lifesaving stations, 1875-1915. SEE ALSO 26.9.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.5.8, and 26.6.1-26.6.12.

26.4.3 Legal and accounting records

Textual Records: Records of investigations of the 8th (New Orleans, LA) and 10th (Buffalo, NY) Districts, 1901. Appropriation ledgers, 1876-1912. Shipping articles, 1863-1915.

26.4.4 Personnel and payroll records

Textual Records: Registers and lists of station keepers, 1852-78. Application files, 1878-97. Articles of engagement for surfmen, 1878-1914. Registers of employees, 1866-1913. Disability correspondence, 1878-1910. Records relating to officers, 1791- 1919, and to cadets, 1876-1912. Muster rolls of the Spring Lake, NJ, District, 1924-31 (in New York).


History: Established, 1915, by merger of Revenue Cutter Service and Life Saving Service. Acquired functions of Bureau of Lighthouses, 1939. By EO 9083, February 28, 1942, effective March 1, 1942, absorbed functions of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation relating to navigation, vessel inspection, and merchant seamen. Bureau functions relating to admeasuring and documenting American vessels transferred by EO 9083 to Bureau of Customs and subsequently to USCG, effective April 1, 1967, by Department of Transportation Act (80 Stat. 938), October 15, 1966. For complete administrative histories of the Bureau of Customs and of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation and its predecessors (Steamboat Inspection Service, Bureau of Navigation, and Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection), SEE 36.1 and 41.1, respectively.

26.5.1 General correspondence and reports

Textual Records: Central correspondence, 1910-41 (1,738 ft.). Records relating to the consolidation of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation and the Lighthouse Service with the USCG, 1933-49. Management and improvement reports, 1959-64. Regulations and administrative instructions, 1940-77.

26.5.2 Records of the Office of Public and International Affairs

Textual Records: Records of the Public Affairs Branch, including a reference information file, 1948-50, and miscellaneous reference materials, 1910-41.

Photographs (23,511 images): General photographic file, 1886- 1967, documenting USCG activities in Alaska, and the European and Pacific theaters during World War II; ships and boats; aircraft; the Revenue Cutter Service and Life Saving Service; captured rumrunners; personalities; Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expedition, 1946-47; navigational activities; training programs; rescue operations; disasters; activities relating to the space program; artwork; and Cuban refugees (G, 15,000 images). Photographs relating to the Steamboat Inspection Service and the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, Coast Guard and merchant ships, and lifeboat stations and other aids to navigation, 1859-1945 (M, 500 images). Lightships and light tenders, 1891-1935 (LS, LSON; 774 images). Lifeboat stations, 1893-1974 (CGS, 2,304 images). U.S.R.C. Nunivak on duty in Alaska, 1899-1901 (RSN, 138 images). Mississippi River flood relief efforts, 1927 (MF, 47 images). Survey of lighthouses, 1945 (S, 1,200 images). Activities and enrollees of the U.S. Maritime Service and U.S. Coast Guard stations, 1938-41 (A, 1,680 images). Japanese, allied, and neutral merchant vessels entering San Francisco Bay, 1937-43 (SAN, SJ; 378 images). Visit of U.S.C.G.C. Kukui to Coast Guard stations, 1948-53 (T, 572 images). Commissioned officers of the Revenue Cutter Service and USCG, 1860-1945 (PC, PR; 918 images). SEE ALSO 26.12.

Color Photographs (475 images, in Washington Area): Antarctic color photographs taken by U.S.C.G.C. Eastwind photographers on Antarctic cruises in support of Operation Deep Freeze, 1955-63. SEE ALSO 26.12.

Photographic Negatives (7,455 images, in Washington Area): From USCG icebreakers and other vessels on the Bering Sea Patrol or DEW Line supply in western and eastern Arctic, and Antarctic cruises in Operation Deep Freeze, 1946-68. SEE ALSO 26.12.

Filmstrips(1 item): Whaling, 1939 (FS). SEE ALSO 26.12.

26.5.3 Fiscal, accounting, and supply records

Textual Records: Boards of survey case files, 1965-80. Boards of survey (real property) files, 1945-80. Miscellaneous records of boards of survey, 1939-50. Expired and canceled leases, 1935-49.

26.5.4 Legal records

Textual Records: Opinions of the Chief Counsel, 1941-64. Records of boards of investigation, 1915-30. Records of general and summary courts-martial, 1906-41, and of deck courts, 1920-41. Watch books, 1914-23. Records of imprisonments and probation, 1929-31.

26.5.5 Personnel records

Textual Records: Copies of payrolls and muster rolls, 1925-32. Records of honorable discharges, 1917-18, 1927-37. Personnel and pay cards, 1917-21. Proceedings of officer personnel boards, 1941-55. Officer personnel files, 1915-29. Lifesaving medals case files, 1944-67.

26.5.6 Engineering records

Textual Records: Correspondence and budget files, 1957-64. Records of the Marine Engineering Division, 1924-40, including blueprints, tracings, and construction reports of vessels in the Tampa class and small boats constructed by the Work Projects Administration. Engineering program subject files, 1943-64. Planning and administrative files, 1938-64. Damage control books for USCG vessels, 1944-78. Directives originating in the Office of Engineering, 1965-71.

Architectural and Engineering Plans (37,050 items): Plans of cutters, lightships, and other vessels, 1871-1986 (36,800 items). USCG bases and depots, 1917-53 (250 items), including Boston, MA; Ketchikan, AK; Elizabeth City, NC; Sault Ste. Marie, MI; and Jersey City, NJ. SEE ALSO 26.9.

26.5.7 Records relating to oceanographic operations and statutory

Textual Records: Reports, 1946-60. Correspondence of the Aerology and Oceanographic Section, 1945-57. Records of the Bering Sea Patrol, 1926-40 (in Anchorage). Correspondence, reports, and other records of the International Ice Patrol, 1938-60; Greenland Patrol, 1940-44; and Ocean Station Program (Weather Patrol), 1945-58.

Maps and Charts (58 items): Bering Sea Patrols by U.S.C.G.C. Chelan, 1933-34. SEE 26.8.

Photographs (458 images):Greenland Survey Expedition, U.S.C.G.C. Duane, 1940 (H, 233 images). Surveys of the west coast of Greenland by U.S.C.G.C. Duane, August-September 1940, and of Baffin Bay and Davis Strait by U.S.C.G.C. Northland, autumn, 1940 (225 images, in Washington Area). SEE ALSO 26.11.

26.5.8 Records of the Surface Facilities Branch

Textual Records: Reports and correspondence, 1951-67. Cutter files, 1941-63. Logbooks of USCG vessels, 1915-47. Logbooks of vessels, stations, and depots, 1925-47, 1969-72. Microfilm copy of records and reports of assistance rendered, 1916-40 (280 rolls). Microfilm copy of casualty and wreck reports, 1913-36 (21 rolls). Microfilm copy of records of marine casualties, 1913-40 (7 rolls).

Microfilm Publications: T720, T919, T920, T921, T925, T926.

Photographs (66 images): Discontinued shore units, 1945-61 (LB). SEE ALSO 26.11.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, and 26.6.1-26.6.12.

26.5.9 Records of the Intelligence Division

Textual Records: Correspondence, reports, and other records, 1922-41, relating to violations of customs laws, including the Volsted (Prohibition) Act of 1919. Records relating to seized vessels, 1926-35. Merchant vessel information file, 1941-46.

Photographs(460 negative images, in Washington area):United States Coast Guard Intelligence Division Vessel Surveillance Photographs, 1935-41.

26.5.10 Records of the Military Readiness Division

Textual Records: Navy war program reports, 1943. World War II narrative histories, including district histories, 1941-45. War diaries, 1942-45. Action reports, 1942-45. Correspondence concerning relations between U.S. Navy and USCG, 1941-47.

26.5.11 Records relating to merchant marine safety

Textual Records: Records of the War Casualty Section, including subject files, 1941-45; survivor statements, 1941-45; merchant vessel casualty reports, 1941-46; foreign flag merchant vessel casualty reports, 1941-45; reports of enemy action, 1941-45; and publications, 1943-50. Marine Board case files of the Casualty Review Branch, 1943-58. Records of the Ship Structure Committee (SSC), including general records and reports of the Board of Investigation into the design and construction of welded steel merchant vessels, 1943-47; records of the Welding Research Project, 1944-46; SSC research project files, 1944-54; and admeasurement case files of the Tonnage Survey Branch, 1890-1943.

Photographs (661 images, in Washington Area):Merchant vessel war casualties, 1941-45. SEE ALSO 26.11.

26.5.12 Records relating to port safety and law enforcement

Textual Records: Subject files and printed materials of the Port Security Division, 1941-46. Correspondence and related records of the Port Security and Law Enforcement Division, 1946-62.

26.5.13 Records relating to navigation

Textual Records: Bridge permit case files of the Bridge Administration Division, 1962-75.

26.5.14 Other records

Textual Records: Records of the Marine Safety Council (Merchant Marine Council), including journals, 1942-44; records of meetings, 1942-64; transcripts of public hearings, 1950-64; and records of subcommittees, 1955-61. Records of the Permanent Board, including correspondence, 1935-43; minutes of meetings, 1935-43; and records of long-range projects, 1935-46. Records relating to boating safety, including correspondence of the Office of Recreational Boating, 1955-64. Records of interagency groups, including correspondence, reports, and related records of the Air Sea Rescue Agency, 1942-58; and records relating to USCG participation in the Air Coordinating Committee, 1945-62.

Maps and Charts (80 items):Greenland, 1931-41 (7 items). Beach patrol maps of the New England coast, with accompanying reports on operations, searchlights, and towers, 1942-43 (73 items). SEE ALSO 26.9.


26.6.1 Records of the 1st Coast Guard District, Boston (ME, MA,

Textual Records (in Boston, except as noted): Records of the Customs District, Newport, RI, consisting of records relating to vessel documentation, including registers, 1855-1916, enrollments, 1854-1932, licenses, 1869-1911, and indexes to vessels, owners, and masters, 1802-1902; records relating to seamen, including registers, 1796-1878, returns of seamen on board vessels, 1800-62, and shipping articles, 1841-71; and wreck reports, 1874-1954. Records of the Customs District, Providence, RI, consisting of records relating to vessel documentation, 1854- 1941; and wreck reports, 1911-63. Aids-to-navigation case files, 1900-65. Administrative notices and instructions, 1956-66. Publications, 1956-66. Initial vessel inspection reports, 1929- 54. Records of the Office of the Commandant, consisting of correspondence, 1952-65; and directives, 1962-68. Logbooks of USCG Light Stations, Chatham, MA, 1971-73, Race Rock (New London), CT, 1966-68, 1970-73, The Cuckolds (Newagen), ME, 1971- 73, Beavertail (Newport), RI, 1971-72, Moose Peak (Southwest Harbor), ME, 1971-72, Petit Manon (Southwest Harbor), ME, 1971- 72, Browns Head (Vinalhaven), ME, 1971, Eastern Point (Gloucester), MA, 1971-72, Portland, ME, 1972, Halfway Rock, ME, 1972-73, Southeast, RI, 1970-74, and Mount Desert, ME, 1971-73; USCG Stations, Portsmouth Harbor, NH, 1971-72, Castle Hill (Newport), RI, 1971-72, Block Island, RI, 1971-72, Rockland Breakwater, ME, 1971-72, Point Judith, RI, 1964-66 and 1971-72, and Brant Point (Nantucket), MA, 1971-72; USCG LORAN Stations, Nantucket, MA, 1971-72, and Cape Atholl, Greenland, 1971-75; USCG Weather Observation Station, Scituate, MA, 1971; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Active, 1971-79, Bibb, 1969-78, Bittersweet, 1978-80, Cape Cross, 1971-78, Cape Fairweather, 1971-81, Cape George, 1971-76, Cape Higgon, 1981-83, Cape Horn, 1969-77, Chase, 1970- 84, Cowslip, 1969-72, Decisive, 1971-79, Duane, 1969-74, Eagle, 1963-72, Escanaba, 1971-73, Evergreen, 1969-78, Hamilton, 1971- 73, Hornbeam, 1968, Mesquite, 1974-76, Nantucket Island, 1971-75, Owasco, 1969, 1971-73, Pendant, 1970-79, Point Bonita, 1970-72, Point Hannon, 1971-78, 1980-81, Point Jackson, 1970-72, Point Turner, 1971-81, Redwood, 1970-76, Shackle, 1971-74, 1978-82, Sherman, 1971-73, Snohomish, 1971-84, Spar, 1971-82, Swivel, 1971-73, Towline, 1971-78, Unimak, 1977-79, Vigilant, 1969-72, 1974-80, Vigorous, 1971-82, White Heath, 1971-77, 1980, White Lupine, 1970-72, White Sage, 1971-76, 1979-82, and Yankton, 1971- 82. Logbook of U.S.C.G.C. Munro, 1971-75 (in Seattle).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, and 26.6.2-26.6.12.

26.6.2 Records of the 2d Coast Guard District, St. Louis (AR, CO,
IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, OK, western PA, SD, TN,

Textual Records: Records (in Philadelphia) of the Marine Safety Office, Pittsburgh, PA, relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale and mortgages of enrolled vessels, 1940- 77; certificates of enrollment and licenses, 1941-63; vessel conveyances, 1927-45; title records, 1944-49; initial vessel inspection files, 1943-69; master carpenter certificates, 1941- 63; vessel folders, 1906-75; and masters' oaths for renewal of license of vessel, 1945-66. Records of the Marine Safety Office, Memphis, TN, consisting of vessel documentation case files, 1967- 75 (in Atlanta). Logbooks (in Atlanta) of USCG Depots, Hickman, KY, 1971-73, and Buchanon, TN, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Chippewa, 1971-75, Cimarron, 1971-79, Goldenrod, 1971-73, Obion, 1971-74, Poplar, 1971-73, and Sycamore, 1973-77. Logbooks (in Kansas City) of USCG Base, St. Louis, MO, 1971-72; USCG Depots, Leavenworth, KS, 1971, and Dubuque, IA, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Cheyenne, 1971-74, Gasconade, 1971-75, Foxglove, 1971-77, Muskingum, 1971, Sumac, 1971-78, and Wyaconde, 1969-76. Logbooks (in Fort Worth) of USCG Depots, Salisaw, OK, 1971-72, and Pine Bluff, AR, 1971-72. Logbooks (in Chicago) of USCG Depot, Peoria, IL, 1971-72; and USCG LORAN Station, Dana, IN, 1971-72. Logbooks of U.S.C.G.C. Oleander, 1972-77 (in Philadelphia).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1, and 26.6.3-26.6.12.

26.6.3 Records of the 3d Coast Guard District, New York (CT, DE,
NJ, eastern NY, eastern PA)

Textual Records: Records (in Boston) of the Customs District, New London, CT, consisting of records relating to vessel documentation, including registers, 1789-1914; enrollments, 1793- 1911, licenses, 1793-1911, and bonds, 1799-1897; and records relating to seamen, including crew lists, 1792-1888, and shipping articles, 1840-1924. Records (in Boston) of the Customs District, Stonington, CT, and Westerly, RI, consisting of records relating to vessel documentation, 1842-1922; returns of seamen aboard vessels, 1848-73; and wreck reports, 1876-1912. Records of the Customs District, Bristol-Warren, RI, relating to vessel documentation, 1833-1913 (in Boston). Records of the Marine Inspection Office, New York, NY, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-58 (1,172 ft., 40,662 vols., in New York). Records of the Vessel Documentation Office, Wilmington, DE, 1939- 57 (in Philadelphia). Records (in Philadelphia) of the Marine Inspection Office, Philadelphia, PA, consisting of initial vessel inspection files, 1940-56, 1959-61; logbooks of merchant vessels, 1956-65; and notices of change of master, renewal of licenses, and withdrawals from deposit, 1956-65. Records (in Philadelphia) of the Marine Safety Office, Philadelphia, PA, consisting of certificates of enrollment and yacht licenses, 1915-38; license and registry records, 1910-46; and vessel admeasurement records, 1900-50. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Wilmington, DE, consisting of initial vessel inspection files, 1940-62 (in Philadelphia). Weekly reports of the New York district, 1936-38 (in Washington Area). Logbooks (in New York) of USCG Air Station, Ramey AFB, PR, 1972; USCG Light Stations, Brandywine Shoal, DE, 1971-74, Hams Bluff, VI, 1971-73, Miah Maull Shoal, NJ, 1970, 1972-73, and Mona Island (San Juan), PR, 1971-73; USCG LORAN Stations, Targabarun, Turkey, 1970-72, Sylt, Germany, 1971-72, Simeri Crichi, Italy, 1971-72, Cape San Juan (Fajardo), PR, 1971, and Scatsta, Brae (Shetland Islands), United Kingdom, 1971-72; USCG Stations, Atlantic Beach, NY, 1971, Fort Totten, NY, 1971- 73, Manasquan Inlet (Point Pleasant Beach), NJ, 1971-72, Niagara (Youngstown), NY, 1971, Rochester, NY, 1971-72, Rockaway (Fort Tilden), NY, 1971-72, Short Beach (Freeport), NY, 1971, and Townsend Inlet, NJ, 1972; USCG Training Center, Cape May, NJ, 1971-72; U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Alert, 1971-73, Arundel, 1976- 82, Cape Strait, 1971-74, Dallas, 1971-75, Gallatin, 1971-82, Hornbeam, 1977-80, Mahoning, 1971-75, Manitou, 1971-80, Morgenthau, 1969-74, Ojibwa, 1971-80, Point Francis, 1972-75, Point Herron, 1971-74, Point Steele, 1971-75, Point Wells, 1971- 80, Raritan, 1975-78, Red Oak, 1971-80, Sagebrush, 1971-81, Sassafras, 1971-73, Sauk, 1974-78, Spencer, 1971-74, Tamaroa, 1971-80, Tern, 1971-74, and Wire, 1969, 1971-80; and decommissioned U.S.C.G.C. Maple, 1971-73. Logbooks (in Philadelphia) of USCG Depot, Sewickley, PA, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Apalachee, 1975-82, Cherokee, 1969-77, Cleat, 1971-80, Cuyahoga, 1970-76, Madrona, 1975-84, Mohican, 1971-82, Point Arena, 1976-82, Point Highland, 1971-82, Red Birch, 1974- 80 and 1986-93, Red Cedar, 1971-80, Sledge, 1977-80, Southwind, 1970-74, Tackle, 1971-83, and White Pine, 1969-73. Logbooks of U.S.C.G.C. Mariposa, 1972-73 (in Boston).

Maps and Charts (44 items): Coastal charts, NY and NJ, annotated to show harbor facilities, lights, and buoys, 1915-41, and including World War II blackout charts, 1940-41. SEE ALSO 26.8.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1, 26.6.2, and 26.6.4-26.6.12.

26.6.4 Records of the 5th Coast Guard District, Portsmouth, VA
(DC, MD, NC, VA)

Textual Records: Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Wilmington, NC, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1950- 57, 1969-74 (in Atlanta). Logbooks (in Atlanta) of USCG Base, Fort Macon (Atlantic Beach), NC, 1971-72; USCG LORAN Station, Carolina Beach, NC, 1971-72; USCG Stations, Hatteras Inlet (Hatteras), NC, 1971-72, Oregon Inlet (Rodanthe), NC, 1971-72, Wrightsville Beach, NC, 1971-72, and Hobucken, NC, 1972; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Cape Upright, 1971-73, Chilula, 1970-78, Chokeberry, 1971-76, Conifer, 1971-76, Laurel, 1971-73, Northwind, 1973-79, Point Martin, 1971-74, and Verbena, 1969, 1971-75. Logbooks (in Philadelphia) of USCG Base Section No. 8, 1926-34; USCG Base, Portsmouth, VA, 1972; USCG Repair Base, Norfolk, VA, 1934-41; USCG Training Station, Hoffman Island and Station Little Creek, VA, 1940-42; Crisfield, MD, Light Attendant Station, 1972-74; U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Apalachee, 1972-73, Capstan, 1972-73, Cherokee, 1978-80, Chinook, 1972-75, Chock, 1972, Ingham, 1972- 79, Madrona, 1972-74, Point Huron, 1972, Primrose, 1974-77, Sledge, 1972-76, Taney, 1972-78, and Unimak, 1972-75; and decommissioned U.S.C.G.C. Edisto, 1973-74. Logbooks of U.S.C.G.C. Winnebago, 1972-73 (in Atlanta).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.3, and 26.6.5-26.6.12.

26.6.5 Records of the 7th Coast Guard District, Miami (FL, GA,

Textual Records (in Atlanta): Records of the Marine Safety Office, Savannah, GA, relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, abstracts of title, and mortgages, 1906-60. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Savannah, GA, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1956-63; original vessel inspection files, 1942-46; and abstracts of title case files, 1942-49. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Miami, FL, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1943-64. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Jacksonville, FL, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1943-65; and vessel documentation case files, 1967-72. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Tampa, FL, consisting of vessel documentation case files, 1967- 75; original vessel inspection files, 1931-65; and logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-65. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Charleston, SC, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1949-58. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, San Juan, PR, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1957. Logbooks of USCG Bases, Mayport, FL, 1971-72, and St. Petersburg, FL, 1971-72; USCG Light Stations, Apalachicola, FL, 1971-72, Cape San Blas (Port St. Joe), FL, 1952-53, and St. Joseph Point (Port St. Joe), FL, 1951-52; USCG LORAN Stations, South Caicos, British West Indies, 1971-73, and San Salvador, Bahama Islands, 1972-73; USCG Radio Stations, Jacksonville Beach, FL, 1971-72, and Miami (Perrine), FL, 1971-72; USCG Shore Unit, Jacksonville, FL, 1971- 72; USCG Stations, Islamorada, FL, 1971-72, Ponce de Leon Inlet (New Smyrna Beach), FL, 1971-72, Saint Simons Island, GA, 1971- 72, and Sullivans Island, SC, 1971-72; U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Androscoggin, 1972-73, Azalea, 1971-78, Cape Current, 1972-77, Cape Knox, 1971-76, Cape Morgan, 1971-77, Cape Shoalwater, 1971- 78, Cosmos, 1971-78, Courageous, 1971-76, Dauntless, 1971-78, Dependable, 1969-76, Diligence, 1971-74, Hammer, 1971-74, Hollyhock, 1970-77, Juniper, 1971-75, Papaw, 1975-77, Point Charles, 1971-78, Point Lobos, 1971-75, Point Roberts, 1971-79, Point Swift, 1971-76, Spike, 1971-76, Steadfast, 1971-78, Sweetgum, 1971, 1973-79, and White Sumac, 1971-77; and decommissioned U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Ariadne, 1968, and Rambler, 1971-78.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.4, and 26.6.6-26.6.12.

26.6.6 Records of the 8th Coast Guard District, New Orleans (AL,

Textual Records (in Fort Worth, except as noted): Records (in Atlanta) of the Marine Inspection and Marine Safety Offices, Mobile, AL, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-65; vessel documentation case files, 1967-72; owners' oaths on registry, 1952-66; masters' oaths for renewal of license of vessel, 1952-67; declarations of new or alternate masters of vessels, 1941-67; and master carpenters' certificates, 1941-66. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, New Orleans, LA, including masters' oaths and other vessel documentation files, 1930-75. Records of the Customs District, Beaumont, TX, consisting of articles of agreement between masters and seamen, 1936-43. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, Brownsville, TX, 1940-75. Records of the Marine Inspection and Marine Safety Offices, Brownsville, TX, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1946-59. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, Corpus Christi, TX, 1933-62, 1972. Records of the Marine Inspection and Marine Safety Offices, Corpus Christi, TX, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1943-52. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, Galveston, TX, 1935-75. Records of the Marine Inspection and Marine Safety Offices, Galveston, TX, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-74. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, Houston, TX, including masters' oaths, 1968-80, sale and mortgage records, 1967-78, and other vessel documentation records, 1928-79. Records of the Marine Inspection and Marine Safety Offices, Houston, TX, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-73. Weekly reports of the New Orleans district, 1933-43. Logbooks of USCG Air Stations, Corpus Christi, TX, 1971- 72, and New Orleans, LA, 1971-72; USCG Base, Galveston, TX, 1971- 74; USCG Depot, Corpus Christi, TX, 1971-72; USCG Light Stations, Dulac, LA, 1972-73, Freeport, TX, 1971-72, New Canal (New Orleans), LA, 1971-72, South Jetty (Galveston), TX, 1972, and South Pass, TX, 1965-71; USCG Radio Beacon Station, Calcagieu (Cameron), LA, 1971-73; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Anvil, 1971- 79, Clamp, 1970-76, Clematis, 1971-76, Dallas, 1980 and 1986, Dogwood, 1976-79, Durable, 1971-86, Forsythia, 1971-77, Gentian, 1968-76, Hatchett, 1971-73, Mallet, 1971-76, Pamlico, 1976-79, Point Baker, 1971-76, Point Lookout, 1972-75, 1981-83, Point Nowell, 1971-72, Point Spencer, 1971-80, Reliance, 1972-76, Shadbrook, 1971-76, Valiant, 1972-84, Wedge, 1971-77, White Alder, 1964, and White Holly, 1971-77. Logbooks (in Atlanta) of USCG Base, Mobile, AL, 1971-72; USCG Depots, Greenville, MS, 1972, and Vicksburg, MS, 1971-72; USCG Light Station, Mobile Point, Fort Morgan (Gulf Shores), AL, 1971-73; USCG Station, Pascagoula, MS, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Acushnet, 1971-79, Axe, 1971-78, Blackthorn, 1971-73, Chena, 1971-75, Kickapoo, 1971-77, Osage, 1971-76, Patoka, 1976-80, Point Estero, 1971-77, and Salvia, 1970-75. Logbook of U.S.C.G.C. Iris, 1971-73 (in Seattle).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.5, and 26.6.7-26.6.12.

26.6.7 Records of the 9th Coast Guard District, Cleveland (Great
Lakes, including MI and WI)

Textual Records (in Chicago, except as noted): Vessel folders, 1938-72. Logbooks of USCG Consolidated Group, Sault Ste. Marie, MI, 1971-73; USCG Lifeboat Stations, Belle Isle, MI, 1972, Charlevoix, MI, 1971-72, Detroit, MI, 1966-72, Duluth, MN, 1971- 75, Frankfort, MI, 1971-72, Grand Haven, MI, 1971-73, Holland, MI, 1971-73, Ludington, MI, 1971-72, Muskegon, MI, 1972-73, South Haven, MI, 1971-72, and Two Rivers, WI, 1971-72; USCG Light Stations, Algoma, WI, 1971-73, Chicago, IL, 1972-78, Devil's Island, WI, 1973-77, Eagle Harbor, MI, 1937-44, Grand Marais, MI, 1971-72, Grand Traverse, MI, 1963-72, Gray's Reef, MI, 1971-73, Green Bay, WI, 1976-77, Lansing Shoal, MI, 1971-73, Lorain, OH, 1971-77, Manistee, MI, 1971-73, Marblehead, OH, 1977-80, Marquette, MI, 1971-72, Michigan City, IN, 1971-72, Munising, MI, 1971-72, Pointe Betsie, MI, 1971-72, Rock of Ages, WI, 1970-77, St. Joseph, MI, 1971-73, St. Martin's Isle, MI, 1971-73, Sandusky, OH, 1971, Seal Choix Pointe, MI, 1971-72, Spectacle Reef, MI, 1971-72, Toledo, OH, 1971, and White Shoal, MI, 1970- 73; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Acacia, 1969-80, Bramble, 1966- 83, Buckthorn, 1972-80, Kaw, 1969-79, Mackinaw, 1971-81, Mariposa, 1974-77, Mesquite, 1971-74, Naugatuck, 1971-79, Raritan, 1971-75, Sangamon, 1971-79, Sundew, 1978-81, and Woodrush, 1971-78. Logbooks of U.S.C.G.C. Edisto, 1972 (in Philadelphia).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.6, and 26.6.8-26.6.12.

26.6.8 Records of the 11th Coast Guard District, Long Beach, CA
(AZ, southern CA)

Textual Records (in Los Angeles , except as noted):Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Los Angeles, CA, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1942-58, 1963-64. Los Angeles Port Patrol duty logbooks, 1950-53. Shipping articles and crew lists, Port San Luis, CA, 1942-54. Shipping articles, Port Hueneme, CA, 1945. Coast Guard Auxiliary scrapbooks, Port of Long Beach, 1949-66. Port San Luis radio sealing reports, 1942-44. Weekly reports of the San Diego district, 1936-38 (in Washington Area). Records of the Marine Safety Office, Long Beach, CA, consisting of logbooks of merchant vessels, 1957-61, 1963, 1965-66. Logbooks of USCG Air Station, Los Angeles, CA, 1971-72; USCG Base, Terminal Island (San Pedro), CA, 1971-73; USCG Light Stations, Point Conception, CA, 1971-73, and Port Hueneme, CA, 1971-72; USCG Port Safety Station, Long Beach (Los Angeles), CA, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Burton Island, 1971-73, Cape Hedge, 1971-77, Glacier, 1971-73, Laurel, 1979-82, Point Brower, 1970-82, Point Camden, 1971-75, Point Divide, 1971-80, Point Evans, 1971-75, Point Hobart, 1972-75, and (in San Francisco) 1975-80, Point Judith, 1971-83, Point Stuart, 1971-82, Pontchartrain, 1972-73, Venturous, 1971-73, 1976-82, and Walnut, 1971-82. Logbooks of U.S.C.G.C. Reliance, 1945-46 (in San Francisco). Logbooks of Port Security Units at Long Beach, San Pedro, and Terminal Island, CA, 1950-53.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.7, and 26.6.9-26.6.12.

26.6.9 Records of the 12th Coast Guard District, San Francisco
(northern CA, NV, UT)

Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Records of the Marine Safety Office, San Francisco, CA, including vessel documentation files, 1925-51; vessel files, 1922-54; vessel enrollment records, 1948-60; logbooks of merchant vessels, 1941- 45, 1953-57, 1961; and inherited or acquired customs records, including vessel licenses, 1953-55, and a vessel index, 1950-52. Records of the Vessel Documentation Branch, San Francisco, CA, including new masters' oaths, 1940-61, and license enrollment oaths, 1942- 1950's. Logbooks of USCG Air Station, San Francisco, CA, 1971-72; USCG Lifeboat Stations, Rio Vista, CA, 1971-76, Yerba Buena Island, CA, 1970-71, Fort Point, CA, 1969-70, and Lake Tahoe, CA, 1970-71; USCG Light Stations, Pigeon Point, CA, 1913-22, 1971-73, Point Blunt, CA, 1971-76, Point Reyes, CA, 1961-63, 1968-71, 1973-74, St. George Reef, CA, 1971-73, and Trinidad Head, CA, 1971-73; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Blackhawk, 1971-73, 1977- 82, Cape Carter, 1947-48, 1971-74, 1978-79, 1981-82, Cape Wash, 1976-80, Chico, 1977-81, Comanche, 1971-73, 1977-80, Midgett, 1972-74, Point Barrow, 1969, 1971-72, 1974-80, Point Harris, 1976-79, Point Heyer, 1969, 1971-75, Point Ledge, 1971-80, Point Winslow, 1971-75, Red Bird, 1971-74, Resolute, 1968-73, and Rush, 1976-85. Logbook of U.S.C.G.C. Bayberry, 1967-73 (in Seattle).

Related Records: Architectural plans of lighthouses in the 12th district are in the custody of the USCG. Reference microfilm copies of these plans are in San Francisco. Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.8, 26.6.10- 26.6.12, and 26.8.

26.6.10 Records of the 13th Coast Guard District, Seattle (OR,

Textual Records (in Seattle , except as noted):Records of the Customs District, Great Falls, MT, consisting of records relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, 1899-1943, and "dead vessel" documentation files, n.d.; warehouse ledgers, 1878- 1909; and records of imports and exports (Canada), 1886-98. Records of the Customs District, Tacoma, WA, relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, 1922-51; miscellaneous conveyances, 1923-40; mortgages, 1940-55; enrollments, 1918-55; registers, 1930-54; licenses, 1926-55; yacht licenses, 1922-54; certificates of registry, 1909-16; and "dead vessel" documentation files, n.d. Records of the Customs District, Portland OR, relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, 1870-1941, 1968-71; mortgages, 1883-1930; records of tonnage admeasurement, 1902-9; licenses, 1889-1928; master carpenter certificates, 1920-61; "dead vessel" documentation files, 1906-67; indexes for the ports of Portland and Astoria, OR, 1845-1949; and logbooks of merchant vessels, 1959-61, 1964. Records of the Customs District, Seattle, WA, relating to vessel documentation, including certificates of admeasurement, 1873- 1912; bills of sale, 1865-1954; mortgages, 1861-1915; index of registers, enrollments, and licenses, 1888-1943; masters' oaths, 1913-51; "dead vessel" documentation files, 1927-47; and index of marine documents, 1915-88. Records of the Customs District, Olympia, WA, relating to vessel documentation, consisting of masters' oaths, 1927-50. Logbooks of merchant vessels, Astoria, OR, 1915-28, 1939-40, 1948-52; Coos Bay, OR, 1912-27; Portland, OR, 1942-57; and Seattle, WA, 1940-56, 1962-65. Bridge permits granted, 1902-69, for bridges removed prior to 1973. Logbooks of USCG Air Station, Astoria, OR, 1970, 1972; USCG Base, Seattle, WA, 1971- 72; USCG Light Stations, Alki Point (Seattle), WA, 1971-72, New Dungeness, WA, 1970, and Port Townsend, WA, 1970-75; USCG Radio Station, Westport, WA, 1971-73; USCG Stations, DePoe Bay, OR, 1971-73, Portland, OR, 1971, Quilayute, WA, 1971, and Umpqua River, OR, 1971-72; U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Aster, 1961-62, Boutwell, 1971-72, 1974-79, Cape Resolute, 1971-72, 1976-77, Elderberry, 1971-76, Fir, 1971-79, and (in San Francisco) 1980- 82, Iris, 1977-79, Laurel, 1974-79, Mallow, 1976-79, Morgenthau, 1975-77, Northwind, 1972-73, Point Bennett, 1970, Point Countess, 1973-74, Point Doran, 1971-77, Point Glass, 1970-73, Point Richmond, 1971-74, Polar Star, 1976-79, Whitebush, 1974-81, and Yocona, 1971-82; and decommissioned U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Campbell, 1971-73, Cape Newegen, 1980-82, Klamath, 1969-73, Modoc, 1971-79, Staten Island, 1971-74, Tupelo, 1969-75, Wachusett, 1971-73, and Winona, 1972-74.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.9, and 26.6.11-26.6.12.

26.6.11 Records of the 14th Coast Guard District, Honolulu,
(American Samoa, GU, HI, Pacific Islands)

Textual Records (in San Francisco, except as noted): Records of the Marine Safety Office, Honolulu, HI, relating to vessel documentation, including master carpenter certificates, 1920-66; master vessel license oaths, 1959-66; new masters' documentation oaths, 1951-66; and vessels "in lieu" enrollments, 1942-66. Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Honolulu, HI, including vessel files, 1948-55; master oaths (new and renewal), 1946-58; and recorded instruments, 1902-38. Logbooks of USCG Air Station, Guam, 1970-71, 1973; USCG Lifeboat Station, Honolulu, HI, 1971- 72; USCG Light Stations, Barber's Point, HI, 1947-48, Kalae, HI, 1944, 1947-48, Kauhola Point, HI, 1943-48, Kilauea, HI, 1942-48, Kumakali, HI, 1947-48, Makapuu Point, HI, 1947-48, 1971-74, Molokai, HI, 1947-48, Nawiliwili, HI, 1943-48, Peteekeo, HI, 1944-46, and Tauwella Point, HI, 1947-48; USCG LORAN Stations, Con Son, Vietnam, 1971-72, Kauai, HI, 1971-72, Kure Island, HI, 1971-73, Marcus Island, 1970-72, Saipan, 1971-72, Tan My, Vietnam, 1972-73, Utulo Point, HI, 1971-72, and Wake Island, 1971-72; and U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Basewood, 1947-48, Buttonwood, 1972-74, Cape Corwin, 1971-74, Cape Small, 1970-74, Mallow, 1971-73, Mellon, 1971-73, Planetree, 1971-72, and (in Seattle) 1969-72, 1974-77, Rush (Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam), 1971-73, and Trillium, 1949.

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, 26.6.1-26.6.10, and 26.6.12.

26.6.12 Records of the 17th Coast Guard District, Juneau (AK)

Textual Records (in Anchorage, except as noted): Records of the Customs District, Juneau, AK (including some records from Cordova and Seward, AK), relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, 1901-36; mortgages, 1904-41; licenses, 1907-39; enrollments, 1914-38; registers, 1903-39; records of tonnage admeasurement, 1900-19; and "dead vessel" documentation files, 1920-57. Records of the Customs District, Ketchikan, AK, relating to vessel documentation, including bills of sale, 1911-36; licenses, 1893-1914; enrollments, 1895; record of marshal's bill of sale, 1926-41; register of licensed officers and seamen, 1941; and record of mortgages, n.d. Records of the Customs District, Wrangell, AK, relating to vessel documentation, consisting of "dead vessel" documentation files, 1920-36. Logbooks of USCG Air Station, Kodiak, AK, 1971-72; USCG Bases, Ketchikan, AK, 1971-72, and Kodiak, AK, 1972; USCG Light Stations, Cape Decision, AK, 1968-72, and Cape St. Elias, AK, 1968-72; USCG LORAN Stations, Biorka Island, AK, 1971-72, Cape Srichet, AK, 1971-73, St. Paul Island, AK, 1971-72, and Sitkinak Island, AK, 1971-72; U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Bittersweet, 1971-74, Cape Henlopen, 1971-74, Cape Romain, 1971-74, Citrus, 1969-72, Clover, 1971-74, and (in San Francisco) 1978-80, Confidence, 1970-72, Ironwood, 1972-74, Sedge, 1971-73, Sorrel, 1969-72, Storis, 1972-74, and Sweetbriar, 1969, 1973-74; and decommissioned U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Balsam, 1970-75, and Cape Coral, 1971-75. Logbooks of U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Jarvis, 1971-74, and Morgenthau, 1978-80 (in San Francisco).

Related Records: Additional logbooks UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.4.2, 26.5.8, and 26.6.1-26.6.11.


Textual Records (in Boston): General correspondence of the Office of the Superintendent, 1938-53. Cadet records, 1894-1954. U.S. Coast Guard Academy Logbooks, 1912-22, 1936, and Quartermasters' Bridge Book, 1938. Correspondence of the Coast Guard Academy, 1916-17 (in Washington area).

Related Records: Additional cadet records UNDER 26.3.4.


Correspondence concerning the Diaphone fog signal device, 1911-53. Unit logs of Coast Guard cutters, Region Four, U.S. Coast Guard (in Atlanta), 1968-80. General account of supplies of the St. Martin's Island, MI, light station (in Chicago), 1905-09. Documented vessel files, Marine Inspection Office, St. Ignace, MI (in Chicago), 1974. Correspondence relating to the "cutting and joining" of the U.S. Revenue cutters Gresham, Algonquin, and Onondaga (in New York), 1898. Original or Initial Vessel Inspection Files, U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Detachment, St. Paul, MN (in Chicago), 1958-62. Record of fog signal of Matinicus Light Station (in Washington area), 1918-20. Operations message traffic relating to Challenger disaster consisting of radio logs and incoming and outgoing messages of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Dallas documenting its role in the search and rescue operations (in Atlanta), 1986. Records of the Office of Marine Inspection, Seattle, WA (all in Seattle), including Recorded Instruments of Title, 1914-67, and Vessel Folders, 1974-75; and Recorded Instruments of Title, 1922-65, from the Office of Marine Inspection, Portland, OR. Records of the Marine Safety Office, Long Beach, CA (all in Los Angeles), including Marine Documents Index, 1965; Merchant Marine Applications for Licenses of Officers Files, 1900-37; Bill of Sale Books, 1915-32; Record of Instrument (Mortgage) Books, 1956-66; and Vessel Inspection Files, 1962-66. Office of Merchant Marine Safety, Merchant Vessel Information Files, for vessels named "Oriskany - Parma," (in Washington area), ca. 1930-49. Records of the Marine Safety Office in San Francisco (all in San Francisco), Vessel Inspection Files, 1956-71, and station logs from the Point Montara, CA Light Station, 1970. Merchant Vessel Information Files (in Washington area), 1941-46. Vessel folders (in Seattle), 1974. Marine Safety Office, San Diego, Bills of Sale (in Los Angeles), 1913-64. Unit logs for USCGC Lantana (in Atlanta), 1971-75. Vessel Documentation Files, 1968-74, from the Wilmington, NC, Marine Safety Office (in Atlanta). Records of the Marine Inspection Office, Philadelphia, PA (in Philadelphia) consisting of vessel mortgages from Wilmington, DE, 1963-72; vessel mortgages from Philadelphia, 1946-72; vessel bills of sale from Wilmington, DE, 1960-72; and vessel bills of sale from Philadelphia, 1959-73. Log Books of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Chautauqua (in San Francisco), 1972-73. Records of the Light House Service (all in the Washington area) include U.S. Lighthouse Board Scrapbook, 1899-1919; Reports of Inspection of Philippine Lighthouses, 1945-46; Lighthouse Supply Inventory, 1840-41; Lighthouse Service Record of Repairs, 1879-86; Cape Blanco Light Station Journals, 1936-44; and Logbook of Portsmouth Harbor Light Station, 1923-38. Records of the Revenue Cutter Service include (in the Washington area) U.S. Revenue Cutter Service Contracts, 1843-46; Correspondence Relating to Revenue Cutter Crawford, 1845-76; Correspondence of the Practice Ships Chase, Itasca, The Academy, and Fort Trumball, 1903-11; Correspondence of the Revenue Cutters Chase and Itasca, 1907-08; Correspondence of the Revenue Cutter Itasca, 1906-20; Logbook of USCGC Saranac, 1940; Correspondence relating to U.S. Practice Cutter Itacsa, 1910; Letterbook of Revenue Cutters Jackson and Taney, 1839-57; Journal of Revenue Cutter Harriet Lane, 1858-60; Logs of Revenue Cutters and Coast Guard Vessels, 1819-1941; Correspondence of the Cutter Onondaga, 1917; and records of the Captain of the Port of New York relating to explosives passing through the Port of New York-WWI, 1917-19. Lifesaving Service Scrapbooks, 1911-13, (in Washington area). Correspondence of Fort Trumball, 1913-15 (in the Washington area). Correspondence of USRCS Officer Lt. T.S. Klinger, 1908-16 (in Washington area). Logbooks of the S.S.S. Horst Wessel, 1936-46 (in German), a former German sail vessel taken as a prize after WWII, renamed the Eagle, and used by the Coast Guard as a training ship (in the Washington area). Logbook of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Bear, 1923 (in Washington area). Logbooks (in Atlanta) of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutters Mendota, 1972-73, and Winnebago, 1972-73. Records (in Seattle) of the Marine Safety Office, Portland,OR, consisting of Merchant Marine Log Books, 1959, 1962. Records (in Atlanta) of the Marine Inspection Office, Port Everglades, FL, consisting of Official Logbooks of Merchant Vessels, 1959. Search and Rescue Incident Reports from the U.S. Coast Guard Base in Ocean City, MD, 1987-88 (in Philadelphia). Unit Logs of the Coast Guard Cutters Mellon, 1968-74, and Basswood, 1971-72 (in San Francisco). Records (all in Philadelphia) of the Fifth Coast Guard District include Vessel Inspection Records, 1960-64; Merchant Vessel Logbooks from Portsmouth, VA and Baltimore, MD, 1958-64; Vessel Folders from Norfolk, VA, Reedville, VA, Baltimore, MD, Cambridge, MD, and Annapolis, MD, 1957-71; Recorded Instruments for Merchant Vessels, 1923-58; Numerical Index to Licenced Boats, 1966; and Tracings of Buildings and Equipment, 1939-50.

16,800 items
ca. 1865-1985

Architectural and Engineering Plans: Lighthouses, beacons, and rescue stations in the eastern United States and on the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River, compiled by the Civil Engineering Units, Maintenance and Logistics Command, ca. 1865-1985 (in Washington area). Charts of New York Harbor used by Captain G.L. Cardeu, Captain of the Port-WWI, n.d., (in New York). Sketchbooks of 2nd Lt. John C. Cantwell, U.S.R.C.S., 1886-87, 1893, and Charts from the U.S. Revenue Cutter Manning, Bering Sea Patrol, 1910 (in Anchorage). Records of the Ocean Engineering Branch, Civil Engineering Division, consisting of Drawings of Lights and Lanterns, 1854-1912 (in Washington area). Records of the Maintenance and Logistics Command consisting of historical architectural and engineering drawing file depicting lighthouses, beacons, and rescue stations in the Eastern States, Great Lakes, and Mississippi River, 1865-1985 (in Washington area).

SEE Maps and Charts UNDER 26.2.2, 26.3.2, 26.5.7, 26.5.14, and 26.6.3.

SEE Architectural and Engineering Plans UNDER 26.2.2, 26.4.2, and 26.5.6.

252 reels

Peacetime activities, World War II domestic and overseas activities, and activities during the Vietnam War, 1918-76.

10 items

Radio broadcasts concerning USCG administration and its role in training merchant seamen; its history, traditions, and activities; graduation exercises at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy; and award ceremonies for ham radio operators who maintained communications in disaster areas, 1937-39.

1895, 1900-86

Photographs of United States Coast Guard cutters, 1911-86 (4,000 images). Photographs of the cruise of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Bear to Alaska and Siberia, 1895 (179 images). Photographs of Hawaii lighthouses, 1904-06 (133 images). Photographs of discontinued lights and stations, 1900-72.

SEE Photographs UNDER 26.2.1, 26.5.2, 26.5.7, 26.5.8, 26.5.9, and 26.5.11.
SEE Color Photographs UNDER 26.5.2.
SEE Photographs and Artworks UNDER 26.2.1.
SEE Photographs and Lithographs UNDER 26.2.2.
SEE Photographic Negatives UNDER 26.5.2.
SEE Filmstrips UNDER 26.5.2.

Bibliographic note: Web version based on Guide to Federal Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Robert B. Matchette et al. Washington, DC: National Archives and Records Administration, 1995.
3 volumes, 2428 pages.

This Web version is updated from time to time to include records processed since 1995.